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WVSOM Vertical Rope Rescue Training at New River Gorge in Fayetteville, WV

WVSOM doesn’t play football on Saturdays, but you can climb to new heights on Sundays. 

Enjoy this video from a recent West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine Vertical Rope Rescue Training. The three-day program was hosted by the WVSOM Wilderness Medicine Club, with the assistance of Dr. Mark Waddell, D.O., Janet Hinton, WVSOM’s director of rural outreach, and sponsorship from the West Virginia Rural Health Association, WVSOM Alumni Association, WVSOM Foundation, WVSOM Rural Health Initiative and Outreach, and PracticeLink. 

The video is the work of the WVSOM Audio/Visual Production and Marketing departments. Let us know what you think with a comment. 

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